Darksiders вики
Darksiders вики

Махале - (англ. Makhala) —  был ангельский воин, что поддался коррупции.

изменница, солдат из армии Аваддона. Оказалась заражена Порчей, под влиянием которой уничтожила десяток лучших солдат Града Света, после чего нашла убежище на Земле (в 1722 году по человеческим меркам). Убита Смертью (возрождена после этого Порчей). Дальнейшая судьба неизвестна.



Makhala was amongst the angels that fought the Nephilim at Edenalongside the Four Horsemen. Eons later, she became the first known individual to fall victim to the Corruption. She heard voices that told her to go to Earth and "save" Humanity. During her revolt, she killed ten of Abaddon's best warriors before she departed for Earth. She arrived in Marseille, France in 1722 and started to assemble a cult around herself, using talismans that purified their wearers, but spread plague and Corruption to those around them.

Death's Door[]

When Death came to the Earth to investigate what Abaddon believed was a rogue demon, Makhala ordered her followers to attack the Horseman while she retreated into the cathedral she was using as her base of operations.

When Death confronted her, she assumed the Charred Council had sent him but when she realized it had been Abaddon she mocked the archangel's obsession with the safety of the White City. The angel showed the Horseman a plague-ridden human with a viscous black substance leaking from his skin and claimed that she was trying to put faith back into the hearts of humanity by using her pendants to cleanse humanity of corruption. She broke one of her talismans and proclaimed that Death would not stop her.

During the ensuing fight, Makhala's eyes turned black and black liquid began to bleed from her eyes, nose and mouth. Upon her demise, the corruption dissipated.


  • Given Makhala's use of the Crossblade and the angelic imagery in the Twilight Cathedral, it is possible that the Cathedral was constructed by the descendants of the cult she created, meaning the Crossblade she used was the very same one later discovered by War.